Archiv měsíce: Březen 2016

Hippotherapy techniques (3) – choosing therapy positions (D)

The sitting position This position is intended for children that are able to sit on their own, children beginning with bipedal locomotion or fully verticalized children. The sitting position is the most demanding on the child’s postural system and offers direct stimulation of bipedal locomotion without the pathological pattern of the legs. This occurs when...

Hippotherapy techniques (3) – choosing therapy positions (C)

Assisted kneeling and sitting position The assisted kneeling and sitting position provides the opportunity to set the hip joints to exterior rotation and abduction, allows for direct influence on the pelvis as a result of the movement of the horse’s back and thus education/re-eduction of muscle coordination of the trunk, whilst excluding the legs. In this...

Hippotherapy techniques (3) – choosing therapy positions (B)

The backward sitting position The backward sitting position draws on the aim to seat the client on the ischial tuberosity, adopting a neutral pelvis position, centred shoulder and hip joints and support provided by the palms facing the rear of the horse. This position requires precision from the therapist, but makes it possible to reduce pathological...

Hippotherapy techniques (3) – choosing therapy positions (A)

The therapy positions used in hippotherapy and the terminology used for these have been applied in practice for several years, drawing on Czech and foreign literature and practical experience. The therapist uses the horse’s back as a balance area, which he/she can use to achieve the targeted therapeutic effect. The positions of the client on the...

Hippotherapy techniques (2) – Methods of using a therapy horse

A rhythmic and regular horse walk is the foundation for creating of maximum stereotypical effect to a client in order to cause, train and create a reaction program – within the motor learning. During a therapeutic session, a well-chosen and prepared horse carries a client on its relaxed back and it influences client´s body by its spine movement impulses. These...