European conference of Equine Facilitated Therapy

Project Reference:

European Conference on Equine Facilitated Therapy (10 to11 September 2021), as the ERASMUS multiplier event, took place in Prague, Czech Republic. It interconnected almost 400 participants from 37 countries, over 250 participating face-in-face. It was an excellent opportunity for networking, sharing, learning and just enjoying being in the company of people with the same interests. The first day was full of lectures at the University of Life Sciences, and we represented our Erasmus Project as well. All countries involved in the project introduced the benefit of the cooperation to each attending group by their representative. The second day was more emotional as we could see children and adults with special needs showing us what they gained with EFI. We saw 2 horse-trainers (Czech and Italian) specialised in the preparation of therapy equines. Our project was represented with the poster as well.

Friday 10th September 2021

Saturday 11th September 2021

Presentation of the Project

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