Archiv měsíce: Únor 2016

Next article….

This week we are enjoying snow, ski… so next blog will be published on Wednesday 2nd March 2016.

Hippotherapy techniques

The result of a child´s proper hippotherapy initial evaluation is defining short and long-term treatment goals that lead to the maximum therapy effect. It is necessary, that the therapist is able to combine competently below listed hippotherapy techniques in a ratio to fulfil the treatment goals. Otherwise, hippotherapy treatment may result in a negative pathological therapy impact, which...

Important indirect hippotherapy effects

The possibility of positively addressing the limbic system during hippotherapy treatment session definitely belongs to the most important effect. It is well-known that the limbic system is responsible for controlling various functions in the body. Some of these functions include interpreting emotional responses, storing memories, and regulating hormones. The limbic system is also involved with...

The effects of hippotherapy

Hippotherapy effects are divided into direct and indirect. However, everything is happening in interdependence – see the diagram below. Diagram: Hippotherapy effect on posture (Herman, Horňáček, 2005) Let´s address the direct effects in the first instance, especially those we use the most in hippotherapy with children in early care: Activating of the erector mechanisms is...