Project Erasmus+ KA 2
Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Training specialists for the preparation of therapy horses for Equine Facilitated Therapies and
Start: 01-09-2020 - End: 31-08-2023
Project Reference: 2020-1-CZ01-KA204-078277
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Česká hiporehabilitační společnost, z.s.
TheKidsFellows-Research Group in Anthrozoology, Portugal
Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Türkiye
Neigaliuju jojimo asociacija, Lithuania
Suomen ratsastusterapeutit ry, Finland
Asociación Proyecto Caballo, Spain
Partners´ profiles
CEFTA - Czech Republic Equine Facilitated Therapy Association - coordinator of the project
We have developed and obtained: new contacts across the world; our view of equine training by ethology, systems; a new perspective for the different work with equines; experience with other national breeds around the globe. Team members: Věra Lantelme-Faisan (Chairwoman of CEFTA, Physiotherapist, Coordinator of the project, HETI EC member), Vladimíra Casková (Physiotherapist, Coordinator of the project), Markéta Píšová (Special needs educator), Jana Krejčová (Equine Facilitated Psychologist), Eva Sobotková (Hippology specialist) and Markéta Schestauberová (Instructor of Equine Facilitated Learning and Social care).
Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University (Türkiye)
Our goal is to serve people with disabilities in adaptive riding and equine facilitated learning. In line with these goals, practical applications and scientific research are carried out in our centre. We deliver the following activities and therapies: Adaptive Riding, Equine Facilitated Learning, Riding, Lessons, Scientific Research, Training of Volunteers & Projects (Erasmus+, National, Local). Our expectation from this project is to learn the approaches of the participating countries in the selection and training of horses in different sub-branches of equine facilitated activities, gain experience, and reach various standards by revealing common training principles. Team members: Kürşat ÖZCAN (Phd.) Expert in Adaptive Riding and EFL, Selçuk AKPINAR (Phd.) Motor Control and Development, Uğur ÖDEK (Phd.) Biomechanics, Okan MİÇOOĞULLARI (Phd.) Psychology, Hilal ARIKOĞLU Horse Trainer and Riding Instructor, Hasan ALTUNTAŞ Veterinary and Burcu GÜNDEM Secretary and Human Relations.
Horse Riding Association of People with Disabilities (Lithuania)
Organization main goal: Develop & improve EFI in the Republic of Lithuania and help people with disabilities to integrate into society. Expectations: Exchange experiences with professionals in the field of EFI. Team members: Lina Sarkiene (Physiotherapist, Project administrator), Jurgita Rutkiene (Physiotherapist), Irma Jazdauskaite (Biologist, Ecologist) and Zigmantas Sarka (Horse trainer)
The Kids Fellows Research Group (Portugal)
In Portugal, there are no planned programs, research, and recognition of the therapy and professionals. With this concern, we are just founding the National organisation in Equine Assisted Interventions. Our mission is learning and sharing experiences. Team members: Ines Figueiredo (Coordinator, Neuroscientist), Helena Costa (Horse trainer), Cátia Fernandes (Psychomotricist) and Joana Pereira ( Psychologist).
The Finnish Association of Equine Facilitated Therapies (Finland)
Finland has a long EFT consideration history of all aspects. Physical, Social and Psychological. EFT is individual, systematic and goal-oriented rehabilitation. Team members: Sanna Järvelä (Physiotherapist, Project administrator), Sanna Mattila-Rautiainen (Researcher, MSc sports medicine, Physiotherapist), Anne Rokka (Physiotherapist), Maija Hautanen (Physiotherapist) and Heta Rautiainen (BSc biomedicine, animal trainer, student of master studies in Animal Science).
Proyecto Caballo Association (Spain)
Our mission is to accompany humans and horses in the transition of equine culture. We ensure equine welfare and wellbeing in the selection, training, conditioning and engagement of horse-human interactions. Team members: Sofia Hagelberg (Coordinator. Expert in Equestrian Training, Business and Animal Law), Laura Gimenez (Biologist and Expert in Equestrian Training), Rocio Crespo (Social worker and Expert in Equine Facilitated Learning), Zoe Gammon (Expert in Equine Sciences and Digital marketing), Eloy Merino (Expert in Philosophy and Animal ethics) and Carlos Ganzabal (Physical education teacher and Expert in Equine Facilitated Learning).
The working group will bring professional and personal benefits in sharing knowledge, information, and experiences in Equine Facilitated Interventions (Activities and Therapies) across Europe.